We all know just how tough and harsh our Australian weather conditions can be, whether you live in Victoria and experience 4 seasons in one day, or in the north where the sun can be extremely harsh; Australian weather has it all.
The type of climate you live in can also affect your trampoline. This blog covers some key points to consider when choosing a trampoline to ensure it lasts in our tough Australian climate.
*Sun Damage
The first point to consider when purchasing a trampoline is the potential for sun damage. UV Damage can affect the longevity of your trampoline and will mean replacing parts a lot sooner than normally required. We recommend always purchasing a trampoline or parts that are UV protected. At Oz Trampolines our parts including pads, nets and mats are all UV treated and coated to ensure they last in the tough Australian sun.
Another key point to consider when choosing a trampoline is to consider the potential for rust. As your trampoline sits outside for most of the year, this is an important point.
We recommend ensuring that you find a trampoline that is made from heavy duty, galvanised steel, and that is covered by a large warranty. For example Oz Trampolines frames are made from heavy duty, galvanised steel and come with a 5 year warranty. This long warranty and heavy duty material mean the risk of rust damage is significantly lowered.
We also recommend taking springs into consideration when thinking about rust. We suggest springs are covered by safety pads, whenever possible to reduce exposure. At Oz Trampolines we also have the option of upgrading your springs to a heavier duty spring. These New Zealand made springs are made from a softer, heavier duty steel and come with a lifetime warranty.
*Rough Weather Damage
A definite side effect of living in Australia is that sometimes the weather can get a little rough. From storms to high winds, these potential weather conditions must be considered when trampoline shopping.
Another must is to ensure that the trampoline you purchase has an anchor kits. Anchor kits are designed to secure your trampoline to the ground and help provide an extra level of security.
At Oz Trampolines all of our trampolines come standard with anchor kits. These are heavy duty and screw into the ground to provide a secure stability. For extra security or for those who have their trampolines on concrete or hard ground, we recommend using trampoline sandbags to secure your trampoline. These heavy duty sandbags will help provide safety and security during rough weather.
*Winter Months or Vacation
The last point to consider when choosing a trampoline that lasts in our tough Australian climate is to look for protection options when the trampoline is not in use.
Depending on where you live sometimes it can be a little hard to get outside and enjoy your trampoline over winter. Whilst it isn’t necessary, the cold and sometimes snow can affect the longevity of your trampoline.
At Oz Trampolines our trampolines come with optional weather covers. These heavy duty fitted covers help protect your trampoline from debris and cold weather conditions and are easy to fit and remove. We also recommend fitting the cover if you are heading away for an extended period of time or a holiday.
We hope that this blog has helped cover some key points to consider when choosing a trampoline for the sometimes harsh Australian weather conditions.
Head to our website to find the perfect trampoline for your family. www.oztrampolines.com