Did you know that trampolining is an Olympic sport? Learning tricks on the trampoline at home is what inspires kids to be athletes, and is the first step in becoming a gold medalist (it could also just be a great way to impress your friends)!
Here, you’ll find some of the very best tricks to get you going on that trampolining journey.
Before we let you in on some awesome tricks, please review our safety advice.
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This jump is the simplest, but will start the foundation in perfecting the more complex tricks later on.
The central tuck simply involves bringing the knees up to the chest while in the air, and then reset to a straight position as you land.
The next step up, once you’ve mastered the Central Tuck, is the Pike Jump.
Start by getting a high jump going. In the air, stretch out your legs in front of you (as close to a straight 90 degree angle as you can), while at the same time reaching forward as though you’re trying to touch your toes. Although you might not be able to (that’s not the point of the trick), but by getting a balance between bringing the legs up and reaching forward, you’ll create a nice line through the air.
As standard tricks in the trampolining handbook, front and back flips are usually the first thing people learn (beyond the basic tuck and pike jumps, above).
To do a front flip, you start by getting a good bit of height from bouncing, and then push forward with your legs tucked inwards to complete a single full spin. After the single spin, you then re-extend the legs to land on your feet, completing the trick. Think of it as a somersault in the air.
Front flips are the easier ones to start with, since the body’s natural inclination is to push forward anyway. Start with that, and as you become more confident, move to a backwards flip. Once you’ve mastered those two, it’s time to up the difficulty even more and try a sideways flip. These are a bit more tricky because you need to push off with more power from a single leg, unlike the forward and back flips which allow you to use both legs evenly.
Being able to land flat stiffly on your body is actually an important trick for a serious trampoline trickster.
The first step in this process is learning how to jump into the air, land on your back, and then bounce back up into a neutral position – take extra caution here making sure you’re landing on your back and not your neck. For a variation of this, you can also try landing on your knees while maintaining your posture.
Now, you’ll be gaining some serious skills as we are starting to get into the more challenging tricks. A handspring sure is a visually attractive crowd pleaser.
A handspring begins with you arching backwards until you can place your hands over your head onto the trampoline (like a bridge with your belly up). Then flipping your legs over all in the one movement back to your original standing position. This trick should only be attempted if you are already fairly flexible and comfortable in your gymnast abilities.
Front and back pullovers are more complex tricks that should only be attempted by more experienced trampolinists.
A front pullover is the easier variation. Start by flipping forwards so that you land on your back and try to get some good momentum and height while you bounce back up. While you’re bouncing back, do a full flip in the air before landing again, either on your back (to do another flip), or your feet (to complete the trick).
A back pullover is similar but in the opposite direction. It’s more challenging because you’ll have less visibility of where you are and where the trampoline is. To start, rather than flipping forward to land on your back, get some height from bouncing and then “drop” backwards landing onto your back. When you bounce back, swing your legs back over your head (half a backwards flip) so you land standing in the starting position again. Unlike the front pullover, you need to complete the trick to the standing starting position before going again.
In both cases, the key is to land with your back as flat as possible, as this provides momentum straight back upwards to give you more time in the air to complete the flip.
Once you’ve mastered all these tricks, how do you take trampolining even further? The next step is to head to your local gymnastics club, get a coach, and start training. This will give you the opportunity to learn even more complex tricks and routines, bringing you closer to a serious sport rather than a backyard activity.
Keen to learn some more trampoline tricks? Visit our guide on trampoline games, exercise and fun!
Be sure to always use trampolines that have adequate safety protection around them to prevent injury. Many of these tricks are difficult to control and you might find yourself being sprung in directions you didn’t predict. Always approach tricks with caution and before attempting the advanced ones… practice, practice, practice! For more information on the ideal trampolines to start learning tricks on, and all the safety information you could need, contact us at Oz Trampolines.