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Tips for going back to School

Can you believe that the school holidays are almost over? Sleep-ins and long days at the beach are coming to an end. Whilst school and friends are an important part of any healthy child’s life, it can be hard to make that ‘back to school transition’. Here are our top tips for balancing playtime and learning for happy and healthy kids.

Early Bed Times

The first few weeks back at school are tiring for everyone. Kids get extra tired in the first few weeks as they transition with new friends, early mornings and lots of learning. Early bedtimes and a little extra sleep each night especially in the first couple of weeks can really help.
Healthy Snacks
Making sure children eat a nutritional and balanced diet is a priority on most parents list. To kickstart the day ensure that you’re children are given a large, healthy breakfast- cereal, toast and fruit- something to keep them going until recess. Lunchbox snacks should be healthy including lots of carbs, fruit and vegies to keep their energy levels up all day.

After School Exercise

Whilst learning is an important part of any child’s day, so is taking a break and simply playing. Not only does playing help kids wind down after school, but it encourages creativity and imagination and helps burn off that extra energy whilst keep fit and healthy. A Trampoline is the perfect accessory for outdoor play, with even 10 minutes of jumping afterschool has been found to have a positive impact on coordination, happiness and health.
Making Family Time a priority
One thing that everyone misses when they head back to school is family time. Be sure to take the time to keep this quality time going, simply by connecting at night over a book, going for a walk, or even playing in the backyard or on the trampoline together. Anything that encourages positive, quality, family time.
The most important thing in establishing your back to school routine is finding an activity that your kids enjoy doing, like sports, ball games, reading or even jumping on the trampoline.  A good amount of outdoor, unstructured play will help the kids adjust to their back to school schedule faster and keep them happy and healthy.
What are some of your tips for helping your children get ready for going back to school?

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