An inground trampoline has many advantages. For one, it offers superior safety over any traditional trampoline. Where height can be a major concern when it comes to falling off or getting too close to the edge, an inground trampoline ensures a safer landing every time.
Setting up your own inground trampoline is straightforward if you follow a few simple steps.
Firstly, you want to ensure your trampoline is purpose built for a trampoline pit. It can be dangerous to use a regular trampoline in a pit. There are different types of inground trampolines to choose from. Not only in their shape, from which there is generally two standard designs (round and rectangle), but also in their overall style and how they function as an inground trampoline system.
For example, some inground designs are built so that they sit just above the surface of the ground. Others are designed to sit flush, neatly in the pit for added safety. Trampolines set in the ground also offer a slightly different experience for users if they aren’t designed properly. Trampolines with vented pads allow trapped air to escape easily which means the bounce quality is improved and you won’t always hear that dreaded ‘pad slapping’ noise which is common with many trampoline models.
Once you’ve chosen your trampoline and you know its measurements you can get to work on selecting the best place to put your trampoline and start building your pit.
One of the most important considerations is to think about where you will be placing your trampoline. The area should be level and away from low-hanging trees and drainage. It should also be clear of any gas pipes and other utility services.
To get a really accurate measurement, turn over your trampoline frame in the exact spot you want it to sit and trace it onto the ground using paint. Then take your trampoline and remove it well away from the site.
Excavate the area you traced by either hand digging using a shovel or using a mechanical digger you can hire. If you find any debris as you dig, such as rocks or tree roots, remove them as you go. For those using a traditional trampoline, the pit needs to be as deep as the height of the trampoline. For in-built designs, you need to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions in terms of installation height for each different model.
Keep measuring the depth of the hole as you dig, and pat down the earth before you measure each time. Make sure the hole you are digging is level.
Once you have excavated the pit, it’s time to reinforce it. This is a really important step. You can buy reinforcement systems, or you can make your own using sheet metal and wood. You’ll want to use pressure-treated wood all around your trampoline frame which you can do using self-tapping screws. Start by putting one row within a foot of the top of the frame then attach another row a foot below it. Use the sheet metal to wrap around the frame and use the screws to secure it. This will guarantee that you won’t have to worry about any of the pit caving in.
The next step is to add any drainage that is needed and venting to ensure your trampoline is able to work properly. Remember, without proper air ventilation, your trampoline won’t be able to work properly so it’s really important. To do this you can use flexible piping, running it from the pit up to the surface.
Ask for help from a neighbour or friend to do this. Once you’ve got the trampoline in the pit, you need to use some of the dirt you excavated to pack the trampoline in to ensure it doesn’t move. If you are using a trampoline with legs, make sure you level the ground and pack the legs of the frame to ensure they’re secure. Once you’ve done this, add a few inches of gravel and level out. This will not only help with drainage but it will also add weight to the legs of your trampoline, keeping it in place.
You can now secure the mat to the frame of the trampoline and secure the cover around the springs. For added safety you should now install safety netting if you wish or cover the surrounding ground with a soft surface.
Like with all trampolines, safety is crucial. Here are some important safety and maintenance tips that will help keep your kids safe:
Building your own trampoline pit is a challenge but it’s certainly an achievable task for those who are handy. By following each step carefully while also referring to the manufacturer’s instructions, you and your family will be able to enjoy hours of jumping fun on your very own inground trampoline.